A profession is important because it gives you salary which sustains your expenses like Loan EMIs, household regular expenses, hobbies and vacations. But does the job gives your other things which makes life more meaningful and enriching. If not, can you afford to leave the job or restructure it, may be less hours or less working days. Do you dread the consequences of broken earning stream? If yes then most probably you have not started on the journey towards financial independence.
Financial Independence is the stage when you are no longer dependent on your profession to support your current and future expenses. This is only possible if you have second source of income. This source can be build in the form of financial & physical assets which gives out regular earning stream.
Financial independence enables you to choose to work or not work for a living. If you are excited about the possibility then talk to a reliable financial planner. He can draw a road map to take you to that stage.
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